There are so many lies we are are living with today in our reality.
Another highlight from our lives that highlights the total unscientific basis for government policies…
Someone in my family just took an antibodies test. This person has never been sick, but because he is being pressured to take the shot from different areas of his life, he decided to do the antibodies test. Surprisingly, his results came back positive with a truly high number of antibodies.
Even though he knows it won’t allow him to get a vaccine passport, he knows that he can now go back to all the people pressuring him to take the shot telling them that he does not need it because he has the best natural protection against the virus, antibodies!
Thankfully, he also understands that having antibodies is what is important and not having a government-issued health passport.
In anycase, this person asked the doctor why he can’t get a vaxx passport even though he is “protected” according to the science, and the doctor was honest in telling him that he should be able to get one but because the government wants everyone to get the shot it is not giving it to people with antibodies.
This situation highlights our crazy unscientific reality today.